Hitting Reboot: The Painful Process of Being Made New

One thing I’m growing to appreciate the older I get is the fact that, like it or not, more comfortable or less, change is part of what we do as people.

I think, as much as many of us resist the idea of change, we all have a deep-down desire to change something about ourselves at any given time in our lives. Do you agree?

Then life happens. Sometimes we hit a boring stretch where we feel we aren’t doing much changing and all we want is to get past this seemingly pointless time in our lives. “Once I’m done with _________, life will be better.” Eventually we run into a trying time where we think, “Once this craziness is over, life will be back to normal.”

I’m sharing over at the Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood blog today a little about how my journey through changing has led to me hitting reboot recently. I’m sharing the highlights (and quite a few lowlights) of what has been happening in my life recently. I’d love for you to read it for yourself and then share with me your thoughts, stories, or struggles in the journey of changing. Being made new is worth it!


Hitting Reboot: The Painful Process of Being Made New
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