Year: 2014

From Now On: A Christmas Miracle

When I read the Christmas story each year, God gives me the gift of a new lens, known as another year’s experience, to filter the spoken and unspoken details of those precious participants who lived out the story without the benefit of knowing what would happen next. In our current culture, I’m constantly blown away […]

My Newest Ministry Opportunity (And I Need Your Help!)

Passion is a good thing, but passion that God places in your heart is incredible and pretty close to unstoppable. I’ve been experiencing that God-given passion over the last few months about a ministry that I can. not. wait. to share with you! It’s called the Women’s Empowerment Program sponsored by Convoy of Hope. You […]

What I’ve Learned About Living Free

Oh, hello there friends! I know I have been absent on here for the past month, and I’ve missed you. It’s been a crazy few weeks in our family, how about yours? Now that I’m at the end of September, I can’t believe what a haze I’ve been in since August ended. Ha! Honestly, I […]

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