My daughter turns one this coming week, and in preparation, she’s been practicing her walking skills quite a bit. While she definitely has a sense of adventure and determination that is all her own, one of her biggest inspirations to accomplish milestones is her big brother. He encourages her multiple times every day, “Come on […]
Inspiration for Reaching Goals
Have you set any goals for yourself this year? I have several, and I thought I’d pass along some of the thoughts that have been inspiring me to keep pushing through to accomplish them. Do you know who really inspires me? Exceptionally average people. I’m most challenged and motivated when I see someone who the […]
Proclaiming The Year of the LORD’s Favor
All of the anticipation and busyness of the holidays is officially behind while another year is now history. Today is the day that traditions and occasions are set aside or packed away while we establish what normal will look like for 2014. Each year I adopt a word to be my focal point for learning […]
Favorite Reads of 2013
This was my year for reclaiming my love for reading! I asked for a Kindle last Christmas, and I’m so glad that I got one. That Kindle and I got to know each other very well in the early months of the year when I was up nursing my newborn at all hours of the […]
A Reflection on What I Learned about Identity
Last December, I chose one word as my theme for the coming year. Identify Of course, the vision I had for that word going into the year turned out different than how it looks in reflection. Going into the year, I had a neat little outline of how I was going to make it meaningful. […]
I Need Your Help!
I planned to make 2013 a quiet year on my blog because we added a member to our family in January. It’s been a blessed year all in all, and I have enjoyed the chaos and sweetness that comes with being mama to Dash and Daisy. They are the ones that most inspire me in […]
Defining Moments & What Defines Me
Love them or hate them, we will all have defining moments in our lives. You know. Those moments where, even as you’re living them out, you know something inside you is changing at that very second. As I embark on another new year of life, I can recall a great deal of defining moments over […]
For Better or Worse
Yesterday was my parents’ 34th anniversary. They both took the day off of work to spend together. And that’s exactly what they did. Starting at 1:30 in the morning when my dad woke up mom telling her something wasn’t right. The only time they were separated was when she followed behind an ambulance taxiing him […]
What Are You Made of?
There comes a time in everyone’s life where we are given the chance to see what we’re really made of. Those situations that you hear about people going through and think, “I couldn’t possibly handle those circumstances if I found myself in them” become the very circumstances you find yourself faced with. I could list […]
When I Broke my Picture of Grace
I broke the first piece of art I’ve ever been proud of within a week of bringing it home. I went to spend time with some of my friends at one of those cute pottery painting places last month, and walked away from our session really excited about the outcome of my little masterpiece. It […]