I started my “Because of Grace List” in January to be intentional about reflecting over the month’s accomplishments because I tend to believe the lie that all I do is run around in circles and get nothing done. I’m convinced 3 months into the year that I do spend some time doing just that, but […]
This Post is for You
This post is for you, friend who is overwhelmed by life. You are loved more than you know, and you are stronger than your feelings are leading you to believe in this moment. Photo Source This post is for you who are weary and not seeing a break in sight. Don’t let your exhaustion get […]
Out of this World Lemon Cake
Spring is here. It really is, but I know that many of my friends and family out there have been plagued with one last (hopefully) round of sickness before we can officially look back on winter as a memory. We’ve been sick around our house as well, and yesterday when I was getting my groceries, […]
My Spring Bouquet
I’ve been looking forward to this day, March 20, for a long time. Welcome first day of spring! I believe you to be the most under-celebrated day because you symbolize so much that we all live for – hope, new beginnings, warmth, and refreshment. Yet I think I like that it hasn’t become commercialized and […]
A Letter to my Son About Rebuilding
Dear Son, The LORD spoke to me this morning in the instant after your little sister accidentally wrecked your Lego creation. Her mere 13 months’ experience in life left her clueless to the magnitude of what she’d accidentally done, but the inspiration of your tears resonated far too closely to my own heart’s emotions. The […]
What I Accomplished in February
As January came to a close, I decided to write a “Because of Grace List” where I shared some of my accomplishments from the past month. Because sometimes it’s easy to get so discouraged in what I didn’t do that I don’t celebrate all that God allowed me to do because of His overabundant grace. […]
What I Accomplished in January
Did you catch my post last week explaining my “Because of Grace List”? If not, please take a second to read it so you understand the purpose of this post. In short, I issued a challenge to take some time at the end of each month to focus on what I did accomplish rather than […]
The Because of Grace List
If you’ve spent any time around me in the last year, you know I’ve been learning a lot about grace. While I’m confident I’ll never fully comprehend this invaluable gift from my LORD, the bits of understanding I gather from one life experience to the next brings me more and more freedom. And I want […]
What I Learned from Listening to Whining
Mondays happen to all of us once a week. Profound, huh? Here’s another deep thought. Some Mondays are great, and others are Monday-type Mondays. Around here, today was a Monday-type Monday. You know the kind. Everyone had to get up far earlier than they wanted to. All of those little things that seemed attainable when […]
A Birthday Letter to my Daughter
Dear Daughter, Will you ever know the gift you’ve given me this past year? Twenty short days into 2013, you pushed your way into this world. Those first weeks that followed are a fuzzy yet strong memory within me even still. You were delicate and beautiful, intoxicating me with your charm as I began the […]