Silently Guarding

It’s one of “those” season in my life. One filled with confusion and lies being whispered into my ear as soon as I take a break from guarding myself. I’m mentally worn out, and any energy I would normally use to write a post is just nonexistent. I’m clinging with all my might to the […]


(uh-pree-shee-ey-shuh-n) noun 1. gratitude, thankful recognition 2. the act of estimating the qualities of things and giving them their proper value 3. clear perception or recognition (Thanks to for these insightful definitions.) The fact is, there just aren’t beautiful definitions for the precious words gratitude or thankfulness. The phrase, “the act of being thankful” […]

Meditation Monday – In Everything Give Thanks: Put it in Context

We have this tendency as human beings to focus so much on one thing that we miss the bigger picture. At least I do. I’m not talking about blocking out distractions. Distractions make us lose our focus, and they need to be blocked out. However, just as with anything else in life, we have to […]

Making Thanksgiving Count

Source Do you ever feel like a holiday just comes and goes without you even realizing it? If you could just take another couple of days to prepare yourself for what it is and what it means, you’d feel much more fulfilled when it was over rather than remorseful that you just missed all of […]

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