Could I be a Pioneer Woman {Repost}

The time in America’s history that most fascinates me are those years where pioneers forged paths across unknown territories to a place that promised so many unknowns. Fighting off wild animals, succumbing to disease and natural disasters, traveling on uncomfortable modes of transportation – each of these challenges leave me amazed that people willingly lived […]

New Look!

If you’ve been following my blog for long, you have no doubt noticed that I have a beautiful new design! I would like to thank my wonderful cousin Jordan Taylor for taking time out of his busy life to design it for me. I’ve always been so proud of this guy for his intelligence, wit, […]

Meditation Mondays – Ponder

I’m a girl who likes to analyze perspectives. I find a story far richer when I consider how each character must feel about the information to which they’re privy. I find real-life relationships more manageable when I follow Atticus Finch’s advice in To Kill a Mockingbird when he said, “You never really understand a person […]

Meditation Modays – My Purpose

Have you ever looked at the Bible, the endless shelves of theological books at the bookstore, listened to your pastor cite a slew of verses you didn’t even know existed and thought, “I’m missing something.”? How can I ever be a woman who changes the world for Jesus if I don’t have a plethora of […]

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