I had bigger plans for Valentines Day than I actually accomplished this year. This is typical of me. Not that I’m necessarily proud of this fact, but as I go through life, I’m working on accepting me for me. I don’t need an elaborate life full of beautifully intricate details. The key is still doing […]
The Sin Virus
Prepare yourself for a painfully honest view of my life this past week. It was not pretty. I toss Kleenex ® number 4,289 in the trash can, and I move my clogged head sluggishly around to survey the damage. Crumbs remain scattered on the table (and the floor and the counters, but whatever) yet they […]
Parents and the Dating Game
When I think back to how complicated and awkward life was when I first entered the dating scene, I thank God it’s over. No more lying awake at night, trying to figure out if this guy really liked me or not. No more fussing over what to wear or say the next time I saw […]
Meditation Mondays – My God Strengthens
I’m not going to attempt to utter profound truths today. I write this as I cough incessantly and try to remember how to make coherent sentences in the midst of the mucus that has taken over my head. I don’t feel strong today. I would much rather crawl back into my bed and snuggle up […]
Five Minute Friday: What is Real About You to Me?
Today is Five Minute Friday, hosted by The Gypsy Mama. It’s a chance to put aside plans and just write whatever comes out of our hearts in five minutes. If you love writing, I encourage you to do a free write of your own – computer or paper, blog or no blog – it’s just […]
In it for the Outcome
I didn’t always realize that I wanted to be a teacher. In fact, I fought it for a long time. But the more I matured, the more I saw I was built for it. I was called to it. So I quit resisting and jumped into the life of lesson planning, grading, and determining entertaining […]
Meditation Mondays: God’s Command for Moving Forward
Last week, I shared a little about the fact that my family and I are in the midst of many changes and even more possible changes. It’s an interesting place to be, the transitional phase. Just this side of moving forward. Still unsure of exactly what we will and will not be doing. As a […]
Five Minute Fridays: Tender
I love today’s Five Minute Friday prompt. It could not think of a better word to describe my feelings for the week. Lucky for you I had a five minute time limit to write about all the ways I feel tender this week, for I’ve a feeling I could have kept going for quite a […]
Sometimes It’s Just Not Okay to Wait
I’m in the middle of a transitional period in my life. I’ve been waiting on God for quite a while in several areas, and now that it is becoming evident that He is moving me, I’m finding that it’s not always easy. While I am incredibly grateful for the work God is doing in my […]
Meditation Mondays: Accountability
I opened my eyes from a quick prayer asking God to reveal something powerful to me from His Word that morning. Then I flipped to the Proverb of the day, chapter 18, and stopped after the first two verses. When I asked God to reveal what I needed to learn, this was not the direction […]