It’s time for Five Minute Friday! It’s so much fun to free write for five minutes about the same topic as dozens of other women and then go check out what others are saying. How can we relate? What can we learn from each other? Thank you, Lisa Jo, for hosting such a wonderful, special […]
Free Advice Anyone?
Today I am honored to be guest posting at When You Rise. It’s a phenomenal blog that deals with parenting issues and also shares ideas for teaching God’s Word to our children. It’s written by my good friends Jen and DesirĂ©. They’re both amazing women who encourage my heart in real life as well as […]
Refocused on the Purpose of Exceptionally Average
Six months ago, I fumbled through the steps one must take to start a blog. I knew it was something God called me to do, but the details were still hazy. All I knew was the title that has yet to blow anyone away. Exceptionally Average What’s to love about a name like that? Isn’t […]
10 Ironic Facts About Average
Photo Credit 1. Average isn’t popular, yet the majority of us are average in something – otherwise average wouldn’t be average. 2. By accepting that we are average, then we can also accept that we relate to others. Wouldn’t life be so much happier if we would just accept that we are not alone in […]
Feelings on a Monday
As I bid Monday goodbye, I sigh a deep sigh, and I allow myself to admit the feelings that have eaten at me as the day trudged by. I feel… Uninspired when I want to be encouraging. Impatient when I would rather be showing love. Overwhelmed by the to-do list I haven’t even had to […]
Meditation Mondays: God is Near
Loneliness rested upon my heart. Yet again, it threatened to take over all of me. “Is there no one, God?” “Yes, my child, I AM the One.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lies whispered into my ear. “Believe us. Dwell on what we have to say.” I cry out again, and I hear Him answer, “Believe the Truth. I […]
5 Simple Activities to do with your Toddler or Preschooler
Do you ever forget about the simple things you used to do to entertain yourself as a child? I’m convinced that this world has gotten far too complex. In the quest to always get better, sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of the beauty that comes with tried and true activities that have brought joy […]
Meditation Mondays – Truth
Source What is truth? It’s such a confounding a question in 2012. Truth. A solitary word that brings about heated debates, leaves people searching and confused, and is often defined with a vague answer. But what is it? Aren’t people tired of being lied to? Don’t we just want honesty? While it’s easy to […]
Five Minute Friday – Delight
I will be linking up today with The Gypsy Mama’s Five Minute Friday. I strongly encourage you to check it out for yourself, read the words of other women’s hearts on today’s topic, and maybe even write about it yourself! Today’s word is Delight. Delight yourself also in the LORD and He […]
10 Things That Have Been Keeping Me Busy Lately
You may or may not have noticed that I haven’t been keeping up on here as much lately. It’s not because of anything serious or difficult; it’s just one of those times where I’ve sensed God leading me to focus on other things. I need to clear my head of all of the “how to […]