Since finding the recipe for peanut butter playdough last year, I’ve whipped up more than one batch. This is a fun, simple, and extra-sweet yet still edible activity that a child of any age would love. I will again be using a post I did on my family blog last year because I’m lazy such […]
Beating the Heat with Goop
I have kind of avoided looking at the forecast for a few days, and when I finally got around to doing it this morning, I was greeted with a whole bunch of triple-digit temps glaring at me. That’s when I know it’s time to pull out some of our trusted projects from the past to […]
Shadows in the Night
Photo Credit I guess it was my first pregnancy-induced nightmare. I woke up at 4:15 this morning wiping tears from my eyes, willing the tension to ease from my muscles. It was not a dream where anyone was in danger, but it was filled with conflict unlike I’ve personally experienced, and I could not go […]
Photo Credit I’m throwing out a disclaimer here. I’m still processing a bit near the beginning of this post, but I believe I resolve the issue as the post concludes, so hear me out before you think I’ve just given up. I think it’s important for anyone NOT in my head to have an idea […]
Beating the Heat with Small Children: Bring the City Inside
Let’s be real here. It’s hot. Pretty much everywhere in the USA. My part of the USA also has a lot of humidity, so it feels extra hot! Let’s be real again. Extreme heat can drive energetic little people crazy because they can’t run off their energy in the usual manner. That’s when it becomes […]
Photo Credit I’m in a stage of life where I find myself processing a lot of things. Some of them are major life-changing things (like having another member in our family kind of major) and some of them are silly (how am I going to live with a limited amount of chocolate until this pregnancy-induced […]
Accepting my Dance Moves
I’m getting back into the swing of blogging today by joining up with Five Minute Fridays. Today’s word is Dance. Sometimes it’s all about the change in perspective. I’ve never been a good dancer. I have rhythm in my head. I can feel the beat when I sing, but when it’s time for me […]
Wrapping up the Week with 5 Important-to-me Facts
1. Today was THE day! I went without my splint for the entire day, and got the official word from my surgeon to continue this process of being a two-handed individual.Hallelujah! 2. Oh! And did I mention that I’m typing with two hands?!? It feels a little funny because of the nerve damage to my […]
Hold onto Hope
Have you ever found yourself in that unpleasant place of knowing you are going through a challenging set of circumstances and all you can do is wait? I’m so there. I wanted to take a few minutes to share a few of the more coherent thoughts that I am able to salvage out of my […]
God Answers Prayers
You may have noticed that things have been pretty silent around here lately. I have some valid explanations, a little bit of time, and one good hand with which to catch up, so here goes. Our life moved up a few notches on the crazy scale on May 12th in that fateful moment when I […]