How much did Mary’s heart sink when she first read the Caesar’s decree? Who in their right mind would expect a woman as far along as she was in her pregnancy to travel such a distance? Not only would the donkey ride aggravate her weary body and aching joints, but it would almost certainly encourage […]
What Do You Do?
The question came up recently. Only this time it was uttered from little lips. Innocent ones who are figuring out the world and how it works. I’ve become used to the generic responses of my peers. Braced myself for the usual, “Oh, you’re a stay-at-home mom. Good for you. Not many people can do that […]
Where it all Began + eBook Giveaway!
In celebration of my eBook, Trend Breakers: Discovering and Choosing True Friendship in a Lonely World, launching this week, I’m sharing the intro from the book in today’s post. I remember all that has transpired to get me to this point. The tears. The dark, lonely days. The superficial conversations as well as the thought-provoking […]
We are not Islands
There’s something indescribable about following God. I started this blog a little over a year ago without much of a clue why except that I felt God urging me to do it. I was even more clueless about all that went into blogging. (I’m extra thankful for women like Amy & Ashley who have either […]
When Life Gives You Little Things, Embrace Them
Tears well up more readily for me these days. I know it’s in large part because the hormones of motherhood are swelling just as much as my abdomen on this home stretch of pregnancy. Yet some of the tenderness, joy, and emotion that washes over me in recent days comes from a deeper source. It […]
Choosing to do it Anyway
As I embark on the fourth Christmas season as a mother, I can see progress. Of course in my son, but also in me. In the beginning, I believed I should be the mom whose kid did every creative project known to man, so I’d have my one year old attempting to make hand print […]
High Five for Friday
I decided to try something new today. A couple of my friends have been doing it on their blogs, and today it seems to fit with what God has been showing me this week. It’s called High Five for Friday, and I will be linking up with From My Grey Desk. This week I’ve felt […]
A Call to Pray
Prayer is powerful. That simple little sentence is something that is easy to say, yet it hardly begins to encompass the depth of its truth. God speaks of the power of prayer throughout His Word. He took time to teach His followers how to pray. He led by example multiple times during His years on […]
Every Day Worship
Dear Father, I’ve been a mess lately. I feel raw, emotional, unworthy, and unattractive. Instead of meditating on the beauty of a life growing inside me, I note the chubbiness of my cheeks, the balloon-like ankles if I’ve been on my feet for too long, and the ever-tightening fit of my wardrobe. Somewhere in the […]
Hope with a Generation
Moms worry. We question why those sweet children of ours struggle with certain milestones. Did that cough coronate the reign of an illness in their sweet little bodies? Are we teaching them enough and in the most effective way? How about the nutrients they miss out on when they refuse to eat certain healthy foods? […]