My eBook

My heart breaks when I see the trend of loneliness among women growing just as quickly as social media connections increase. Something is very wrong with this picture, and God certainly desires better for us. I’ve long pondered this issue, and through the years and prayers, He’s given me a message that has greatly impacted my life. Then He began whispering to my heart that I needed to share His message.

My prayer is that God will use this journey through which He’s brought me to encourage and challenge many others to find peace in relationships, but mostly their relationship with the Creator of relationships.

Wondering what you’ll find in Trend Breakers? Here’s a little taste of what it’s all about.

How can one girl have 500 Facebook friends and no one to call when she’s struggling to deal with a rough day? Trend Breakers explores the challenges and misperceptions that are common to women in the area of friendship and gives Biblical & practical solutions to overcoming them.This book includes the following tools for becoming a trend breaker that chooses friendship rather than busyness:
* A plan for identifying and defeating common misperceptions that prevent friendships from growing
* Six steps to discovering and choosing true friendship
* Ten practical tips for showing hospitality in your home
* Inexpensive yet priceless ways to bless and connect with your girlfriends through sharing and delivering meals. Includes tips for making meal sharing simple plus 10 recipes that are ideal for meal sharing.
* Ideas for cheap or free girls’ night activities that strengthen bonds while keeping your budget intact
* Questions to ponder at the end of chapters to aid the reader in making more meaningful and personal decisions about her own friendships
* Scripture references and Bible study guides to keep the answers focused on God’s view of friendship.
What others are saying about Trend Breakers:
I am so thankful for this book. In the midst of our crazy busyness overload and virtual friend fascination, this book hits right at the heart of true friendship. Trend Breakers speaks to women who are missing that connection of a true friend for whatever reason and gives practical and simple (yay!!!) advice on how to break from the friendship norms and go deeper. It is filled with Biblical insight and wisdom and I was encouraged and challenged by the different friendships from the Bible the author draws parallels to in the book. I loved this book and would highly recommend it to any woman who is a friend, has a friend, or wants to be a better friend!

I enjoyed reading this book on my own, but it would also be so good for a women’s Bible study group. Kelly does a great job of referencing scripture throughout – she clearly has a great working knowledge of the Bible and what it says about friendships. Her questions at the end of each chapter are challenging and thought provoking. Also, she provides a number of fresh ideas for improving our friendships and quality activities to cultivate friendships. I would definitely recommend this book.

Buy it now!

You can purchase the Kindle version of the book here.

Please feel free to send me any questions or comments that you may have. You can email me at or follow along on Facebook right here!


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