My life is a blessed one. Deeply, richly, thoroughly blessed. I often enjoy sharing my heart about how God is working in my life to show me the beauty in the everyday with my sweet kids, husband, friends, and family. Today I plan to be anything but deep. Over the past week or two, I’ve […]
Pray for Caleb + A Guest Post
Several months ago, my friend DesirĂ© at When You Rise asked me to share a guest post while she was in the hospital with her new miracle, Caleb. In case you missed it when I requested prayer for him a few months ago, I’ll catch you up. Caleb has a heart condition (actually several) that […]
How to Keep Your Sanity When You Have a Newborn
Perhaps you’ve heard of the Early to Rise Challenge that Crystal from Money Saving Mom has been writing about this month. It’s a great, wonderful, important thing to do if you are in the right season for it. I, however, am not anywhere near being able to participate. As I read through her posts about […]
Insert Title Here
You know what I love about writing? It lends itself to learning. This year, I adopted the word Identify as my One Little Word of the year, and it’s been a word that has induced a great deal of soul searching. Sometimes that can prove to be haphazard since I started out the year ready […]
The Ring
The pain of removing my wedding band is forever seared in my memory. The reason was legitimate and unavoidable as my ring finger swelled and bled more by the second. The impending stitches, surgery, therapy, and recovery of my finger were dependent upon sliding the band over the exposed and severed tendons and flesh. As […]
Ordinary Ministry
Up again at 6:00 A.M. I’ve seen every hour of the day. It’s been a long night and my eyes are bleary, but this is the ordinary I’m learning to embrace. The nights are long, the days longer, in this season of having a wee one. I give up on sleeping by 7:00 and turn […]
Spoiler Alert
Photo Credit In my quest to identify this year, I’ve come to a conclusion in one area of my life I wasn’t really looking to. Sometimes I care too much about fitting in. Still. At 31 years old when I thought I was free of a lot of that adolescent mindset, I found it was […]
In Case You Didn’t Know…
Our house has been blessed with a princess. My precious little girl and newest gift from God was born January 20th. In the past 3 weeks, my hands have been full, but not as full as my heart is. God has special plans for her just as He does for each of us, and I’m […]
Simple Tips to Help Non-Bloggers Follow Blogs
Most of the people I know in real life are aware that I have a blog. They’ve even taken the time to read a post from time to time (for which I am most grateful), but often I hear a statement similar to this one, “I love reading your blog when I remember to check […]
Get Trend Breakers for just $2.99!
During the launch week of my eBook last month, I got an email from Crystal Paine, also known as the Money Saving Mom. Somehow she came across my eBook and took the time to purchase it and read it. I was extremely honored by this, but even more humbled that she took the time to […]