I have been seriously blown away by the way that Pinterest has enriched my life. I kept seeing my friend Leslie referencing it on both her blog and Facebook, and finally one day I just asked her to send me an invite so I could check it out myself. While I participate in the other […]
Pioneer Women: Alone on the Range {Repost}
To read installment one of this series, click here. Installment two of this series can be found here. She stood outside her dilapidated home and took in the view. Amber fields, ripe and ready to harvest waved at her. The milk cow mooed in the distance. The hot breeze that assaulted her disheveled hair into […]
Pioneer Women: Driving Forces and Landmarks {Repost}
To read the first installment of the Pioneer Women series, click here. What drives women to action? Many worthy causes have inspired women in history to discover a cure, fight for a cause, become an entrepreneur, and become an example and inspiration to us all. But I just can’t believe that every woman who is […]
Could I be a Pioneer Woman {Repost}
The time in America’s history that most fascinates me are those years where pioneers forged paths across unknown territories to a place that promised so many unknowns. Fighting off wild animals, succumbing to disease and natural disasters, traveling on uncomfortable modes of transportation – each of these challenges leave me amazed that people willingly lived […]
New Look!
If you’ve been following my blog for long, you have no doubt noticed that I have a beautiful new design! I would like to thank my wonderful cousin Jordan Taylor for taking time out of his busy life to design it for me. I’ve always been so proud of this guy for his intelligence, wit, […]
Giving at Christmas
This Christmas season, I’ve felt frustrated more than once that I could not join the masses of other families participating in one of the wonderful charitable organizations promoted all over the web. I would see post after post and picture after picture then tell God that we needed to do the same thing. You can […]
Meditation Mondays – Ponder
I’m a girl who likes to analyze perspectives. I find a story far richer when I consider how each character must feel about the information to which they’re privy. I find real-life relationships more manageable when I follow Atticus Finch’s advice in To Kill a Mockingbird when he said, “You never really understand a person […]
My Journey Continues
Today marks the beginning of a new era for me. I embark on a new decade of life on this my 30th birthday. While aging is not always my favorite thing as I look into the mirror or feel my joints starting to stiffly send signals of wear, I am truly happy to have arrived […]
Expectations and Nevertheless
Expectations have a way of causing a girl to spiral. At least this girl. And based on my interactions with other honest women, I’m not alone. It all starts with a dream. The perfect wedding. The perfect husband. The perfect children. The perfect job. The perfect church. The perfect Christmas. The perfect house. The perfect […]