My Friday Haiku

One of my writing goals for this year is to write more poetry. The most rewarding practice that has come from that goal is to write a haiku each Friday. It all started when one of my administrators shared that she writes haikus about various scenarios that she experiences on the job, so I began doing it about my week each Friday when free writing with my Creative Writing students. Doing this has required me to reflect on my week, and now that I’ve done it every week since school has started, I have a concise history of each week of my life.

I highly recommend you try it yourself! Find a place to record the highlights of your day or week and work to compile them into 3 short lines. Line one needs to be 5 syllables long, line two has 7 syllables, and line three has 5 syllables. If you’d like to build a community of reflection through Friday haikus, join me by using the hashtag #myfridayhaiku on Instagram. If you do it for yourself in a journal, let me know that you’re playing along in the comments so I can cheer you on in that way.


My Friday Haiku
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