Five Minute Friday: Mercy Triumphs

Joining up with lots of beautiful ladies for Five Minute Friday today. It’s a once-a-week opportunity to write freely with no editing or interruptions about a given topic. What’s in the heart come out without time to fine-tune it. I enjoy participating in this challenge when time allows. It’s therapeutic and a great way to connect with other women whose minds and hearts contemplated the same word I did.

5 minute friday

Today’s word: Mercy


A whisper starts a story that makes people wonder.

Mercy triumphs over judgment.

The flesh allows the the wondering to turn into assumptions.

Mercy triumphs.

The assumption becomes fear incarnate. People find solace in the fear of assumption rather than following after Truth.

Yet mercy WILL triumph.

Assumption leads to judgment.

Still mercy triumphs over judgment.

The fearful find comfort in their titles and assumptions.

Even so, mercy triumphs.

The righteous are persecuted yet God still holds them. And mercy is winning even when it seems the enemy has taken control.

Showing mercy is doing the hard thing. It is taking a stand. It is saying that God is in control when everything around you seems out of control. It is saying truth is the only thing worth holding onto. It says I am not done with you when others say they are. Mercy seems weak to the world, yet it is the very Seat on which or Savior and Creator sits.

Mercy is enough.


Five Minute Friday: Mercy Triumphs

2 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: Mercy Triumphs

  1. Kelly, I’m visiting from FMF. I believe this may be my first time visiting you and I’m grateful I clicked on your link today. I truly love what you have written on mercy. Beautiful!! “Mercy triumphs.” Amen!!

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