Five Minute Friday: Empty

It’s time for Five Minute Friday! It’s so much fun to free write for five minutes about the same topic as dozens of other women and then go check out what others are saying. How can we relate? What can we learn from each other? Thank you, Lisa Jo, for hosting such a wonderful, special link up each week! You’re just going to have to try it for yourself to see what I’m talking about!

Today’s word: Empty


I started off the week full of expectations.

There was so much to be done. The house was filled with clutter and chaos from my being gone the past two days, and I knew I was in for a big job in getting it back in order. I expected it to be back in order by 5:00 P.M. Monday. And at the end of the day, it wasn’t.

I rushed to finish making the gift for my friend that was coming in just a few short hours. In my head I had the picture of perfection when I handed her the gift. She would love it, I hoped, and see the thought I put into making it just for her. And as time slipped away and potty training a toddler took up the time I planned to use for this perfect gift, I panicked. No longer was perfection an option. Even the tape was missing so I couldn’t wrap it properly.

I had an agenda since I actually had our one vehicle in my possession. I filled the car to the brim with gas and headed down the road, only to have it die a few hundred feet later. Child in the back seat, rush-hour traffic beginning, no one answering their phones to help me, and a husband hundreds of miles away.

I found myself empty. Unable to complete my plans. I looked up and asked Him to fill me in that moment with peace, protection, joy, and humility. He lovingly obliged after watching me take the difficult road to being empty so that I could be truly complete.


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Five Minute Friday: Empty

9 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: Empty

  1. oh, girl. Can I just say I empathize? With this need for perfection, a clean house, a perfect gift? I get it. I so get it. And then, I also get those things that happen when God asks us to slow down and not worry so much about perfection. Peace and blessings to you.

    Am heading over to like your FB page!

  2. oh goodness! I would feel that same way!! Yikes. I, as a perfectionist would have freaked. Or gone into hysterical giggles. either would have scared my child in the back seat… great example!

    1. Ha! I was on the verge of both. Thankful for a God who always provides, even for this messed up girl. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about your day gone awry. I can so relate, especially with wanting to give a gift to a friend, perfectly wrapped and everything. I love giving gifts, especially the ones I’ve made. But sometimes my own agendas get in the way of taking the time to fill up on His Word, His truth.

    On another note, I love your tagline: Simplify. Balance. Live. That is truly my heart’s desire.

  4. So I want the next five minutes…what happened next?! I would have flipped out, I’m sure of it. Isn’t this true so often, when we make our own agendas we often are somehow stalled (for you, literally!) in our plans. Praying your week has gotten better and your husband is not longer hundreds of miles away.

    1. My husband was on his way home, but still had 7 hours to go. God was so faithful to provide for our needs, though. First off, God sent four amazing strangers to our aid. They pushed the car out of the street and into a parking lot. Then my parents, sister, and her family all came to our rescue. We ended up towing the car. Four days and one painful bill later, we got our car back from the mechanic this afternoon. I’m really finding a lot of hope in remembering the car and the money He’s going to have to provide for this are all His to start with. I’m also really grateful to have a car that is hopefully reliable again. Oh, and that it’s Friday! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Oh Kelly, I know! I’ve had more days like this than I care to recall, but God is so faithful to fill us back up once we give up and hit ’empty’. I’m so grateful for the kindness of strangers (and family), and thankful you were able to see His hand of grace through your difficult day. XOXO

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