The Year of the LORD’s Favor

From Now On: A Christmas Miracle

When I read the Christmas story each year, God gives me the gift of a new lens, known as another year’s experience, to filter the spoken and unspoken details of those precious participants who lived out the story without the benefit of knowing what would happen next. In our current culture, I’m constantly blown away […]

What I’ve Learned About Living Free

Oh, hello there friends! I know I have been absent on here for the past month, and I’ve missed you. It’s been a crazy few weeks in our family, how about yours? Now that I’m at the end of September, I can’t believe what a haze I’ve been in since August ended. Ha! Honestly, I […]

That Post Where I Focus on the Exceptionally Wonderful Little Things That Make my Life Full

These two great posts by my friends Jen & Ashley reflect perfectly on what I was working on writing this week! Expectations. Gratitude. Space. Intentionality. They make for an epic battle of finding peace and balance. Here are a few of my reflections on letting go of expectations while choosing gratitude and joy in the […]

This Post is for You

This post is for you, friend who is overwhelmed by life. You are loved more than you know, and you are stronger than your feelings are leading you to believe in this moment. Photo Source This post is for you who are weary and not seeing a break in sight. Don’t let your exhaustion get […]

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