Lean Beside

Lean beside the ones who ask for help
Just as much as you lean beside the ones who say they’re fine

Lean beside the ones who encourage
As well as the ones who only want to take

Lean beside the ones with whom you agree
As well as the ones with whom you couldn’t disagree more

Lean beside all that you value
So that you can give to all who are willing to receive

Lean beside when you feel like it
And lean a bit harder when you don’t

Lean beside the voice of truth
So that you can speak life to yourself and others

Lean beside the ones who push you
So that you can push yourself

Lean beside the good questions
Especially when they’re not the easy ones

Lean beside the answers
And respond with grace when you don’t want to hear them

Lean beside the sad and hurting
With as much passion that you lean beside the laughter

Leaning beside says more than words can

That we’re in this thing called life together

That I don’t have to know how to fix it

Or even how you feel

But I care enough to be human right along with you

Leaning beside means being brave
It means humanizing when it’s easier not to
That you’re choosing love when hate begs to become a norm
That joining hands can happen with those you least expect

And that there is always, always hope
Because you have someone to lean beside

Lean Beside
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