My Newest Ministry Opportunity (And I Need Your Help!)

Passion is a good thing, but passion that God places in your heart is incredible and pretty close to unstoppable.

I’ve been experiencing that God-given passion over the last few months about a ministry that I can. not. wait. to share with you! It’s called the Women’s Empowerment Program sponsored by Convoy of Hope. You likely haven’t heard of it yet unless you read my post a few months ago where I shared briefly about it. In short, the program is set up in various impoverished areas around the world where women are continuing the unhealthy cycle of living lives that are going nowhere. They are uneducated and lacking a support system to help them break the cycle. That’s where Convoy steps in and offers them the opportunity to go through a 12-week program to teach them how to become empowered to break the cycle and become flourishing entrepreneurs in their communities.

This is where it gets even better. Yes, the women go through training to learn how to be businesswomen so that they can provide for themselves and their families, but Convoy of Hope recognizes that this is not worth much long-term if they don’t take time to empower the whole woman.

Think about that statement for a minute. Can you even imagine the impact we could have on our world if we took care to empower the whole woman? You all, this is where our culture is missing the mark in countless areas.

The world says,

“Get a good education and then you’ll be a powerful force.”

“Get healthy and then you’ll be the best you can be.”

“Achieve your dreams and you will fulfill your purpose in life.”

As Christians, we would add, “Make peace with God and He will fulfill you.”

None of those statements are wrong, but the problem takes place when we only focus on one and neglect the others. I fully believe that God will work out the details of all aspects of our life when we look to Him for our fulfillment; however, in order to be truly empowered to live the life of freedom that He intended for us, we must take great care that we are working to be empowered in all areas of our life. Being completely fulfilled and free in Christ means that we are empowered in every aspect possible.

Womens Empowerment

I have been given the incredible honor and opportunity to be a contributor for the curriculum Convoy of Hope is compiling to use in their various sites for up and coming participants who have chosen to be brave and become empowered rather than continuing down the only way of life they’ve ever known.

These past few months, I’ve been pouring all of my “writing time” into putting together a spiritual empowerment course (or Bible study for those of you who prefer that terminology) for these women who have already inspired me even though I’ve never met them. I love the fact that they are setting an example to the rest of the world on how we as women can be empowered, by carefully choosing to learn how they can be the best possible version of themselves in their spiritual and physical health as well as their professional lives.

The main theme throughout the study is finding freedom in Christ. Freedom is something we all strive to achieve, and the when we start the journey to find it, the task before us can seem daunting.

Would you like to be a part of this incredible investment? I’d love to have as many different perspectives as possible from various women. Would you share in a sentence or two something that has made you feel hopeless at one point in your life that God has since given you freedom over? Here are some examples I shared from my own life, and it would be fantastic to add yours to the list!

I’ve been in the depths of despair because I’d been betrayed by people I trusted.

I’ve been wrongly judged or treated poorly by others.

I’ve been devastated by death taking away those I love.

I’ve been stretched to my limit with the pressures of being a woman and a mother in a world that doesn’t stop when I need rest.

I’ve had to pray that God would provide the money our family needed to pay our bills and buy our groceries when it wasn’t there.

I’ve held myself back because I’ve felt unworthy and insecure to accomplish dreams.

If you have any ideas you’d like to contribute, please leave a comment or send me an email as soon as possible! The deadline for completion on this project is fast approaching, but I know it will be that much richer with your words in it!

You will hear me talk more about the study, the women, and the program in the future. I’m praying for God to do a mighty work in the lives of women in all continents and countries to find freedom in Christ so that they can be completely empowered to live life on purpose.

My Newest Ministry Opportunity (And I Need Your Help!)

5 thoughts on “My Newest Ministry Opportunity (And I Need Your Help!)

  1. How exciting! I would add – I lived with the feeling of failure because I believed the lie that everything had to be perfect to be acceptable.

    1. You and me both, Kay! That was the story of my life for a long, long time. Praise God for His grace and unconditional love setting me free of that mindset!

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