A Birthday Letter to my Daughter

Dear Daughter,

Will you ever know the gift you’ve given me this past year? Twenty short days into 2013, you pushed your way into this world. Those first weeks that followed are a fuzzy yet strong memory within me even still. You were delicate and beautiful, intoxicating me with your charm as I began the process of realizing yet again that my life is not all about me and what I want.

You helped me begin to see more clearly my need for grace instead of my desires and my agendas. You brought brightness and warmth to winter instead of wishing away the drear that was outside.

And as one season led to another, I found new joy in being the one who got to introduce you to the cheery robins of spring and the treats that cool off summer’s heat. You started showing how strong you are in the summer, when our family’s season of bliss was met with trials. As I rocked you in the night and felt the enemy attack all that was within me, you somehow knew how to snuggle closer and remind me that I have such worthy reasons to keep on fighting, to not succumb to fear or depression or bitterness.

When those ugly feelings continually knocked on my heart, you gave me smiles of adoration, and I thanked God for His divine gift of perfect timing. Your becoming a part of our family was the greatest gift we received all year. You gave each of us hope, and you still do. You challenge me to keep pushing for my dreams with your determined spirit, already so evident in your life.

Daisy Bday Post

I thank God for giving you such a powerful name, one that assures victory. While following our Master’s plan for our days, He will work everything out for our good, and we will be more than conquerors.

People often tell young children that they can’t wait to see how God will use them in big ways when they grow up. Since being a mother to you and your brother, I’ve decided that God doesn’t wait until you’re older. He’s using you in big ways in my life right now. I pray you continue to follow His plans for you throughout your life, but never discount your value in each season of your life, including the one you’re living right now.

With all of my love,

A Birthday Letter to my Daughter
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