Throwing Away the “Just Wait Untils”

“Just wait!”

I’m growing to despise that phrase the more I think about it. I’ve been guilty of spouting it off, but I’m trying to remedy the habit.

No one feels encouraged when those who have gone before them throw  “Just wait until…” into a conversation. I may be the only mom guilty of this, but I have a theory that the “just wait” attitude is pretty common amongst mothers.

We look at those beautiful newlywed women with their slim figures, cute outfits, and 9:00-5:00 jobs and think, “If only that were still me,” but to curb the guilt that comes with our jealousy, “just wait” becomes our motto.

Read the rest of my post over at Finding Heaven Today.

Throwing Away the “Just Wait Untils”

One thought on “Throwing Away the “Just Wait Untils”

  1. Kelly, you are so right! I never even thought of it this way! I am not guilty of using the phrase, but have certainly heard it my fair share of times….and thought it toward others.
    Going to go read the rest now.

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