A Word to Bring Change

I’ve tried New Year’s Resolutions. They’re not really for me.

Rather than make me feel excited about the 12 months ahead of me, I feel imprisoned and obligated to follow the rules I’ve set for myself. I also have enough free spirit in me to balk at jumping on band wagons for the sake of being a part of what’s popular. It’s just how I’m wired.

One band wagon that has worked for me in the past, however, is the One Word movement in blogging. I can organize the areas I want to improve under the umbrella of a theme. As it turns out, I love themes. I’ll also be the first to admit that some band wagons are worth joining if they can benefit my life and those lives around me.

I truly believe God gave me a word for the coming year because it came without me laboring over it. I immediately felt challenged in areas that need improvement while feeling encouraged to embrace this season and all that has transpired to get me here.

God challenged my heart to take on the word IDENTIFY in 2013.Identify

I want to identify my purpose in this season of life.
I want to identify who I am by telling my story in a variety of ways.
I want to identify how Christ has changed me so that He can be glorified.
I want to identify with others…even when it means stepping out of my comfort zone.
I want to identify more people who are searching for His love & show them Jesus.
I want to identify areas in my life where I need to grow. (How’s that for a sneaky way I can trick myself into setting goals while sticking with my theme?)

I am looking forward to learning to identify characteristics of myself that I need to accept this year. I’m also ready to tackle some weaknesses that need identified and tossed out of my habits and being.

I’d love to hear if you chose One Word for 2013 and what it is! Be sure to let me know.

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A Word to Bring Change

7 thoughts on “A Word to Bring Change

  1. Love your One word! So good and challenging. I haven’t chosen one yet, partly b/c I have been really sick and I still need to update from my last word: Master, but I am going to pray and if I God gives me one I would love to share it with you. SO glad you are with us at SDG. Can’t wait to read more of what God is doing in your life with identity.

  2. You and Steph both outlined the purpose behind your word and I love this. I told her, like I’ll tell you, you have inspired me to do the same thing. I love your heart and I love your word.

  3. Great word. Not the typical.

    I pray you accomplish all those things and identify all the different areas in your life that you need to make clear. Blessings for 2013. Let’s make it a great year!


  4. This is a great word, and I love the loophole you gave yourself so you can set goals! 🙂 My kinda gal. This is a lovely post. Thank you. (Found you from oneword365.com)

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