Five Minute Friday: Change

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Change is coming. I can feel it.

Sure, our family is always undergoing changes. That’s part of life, part of what makes a family who it is. But this change is bigger, with a much broader expanse.

I look at the world and I see us on the cusp of change, but which direction will we go?

I live in the buckle of the Bible belt, yet we aren’t exempt to the push to remove faith and true Christianity from the picture. It’s happening even here, and it makes my heart sober every time I learn of another example of how it’s happening in my own city, my own neighborhood.

Change is easy to hear about when it’s a long way away. It’s easy to shake my head and say, “That’s too bad.” as long as I can add an, “At least I don’t have to worry about it here.”

But that is no longer the case. The change pushers have worked their way here, and the Christians have gotten comfortable, not really wanting to change their easy way of life or keep themselves strong and ready for battle.

It is time for us to change. It is time for us to take a stand for Truth, for what the true character of God represents. Love? Yes. But He is also a God of justice. He is holy, and he expects the same of us. Not fluffy blanket love that doesn’t require conflict and change where the unholy is reigning.


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Five Minute Friday: Change

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