My Goals for 2012

One of the reasons I believe that I struggled with feeling average and ineffective for so many years is the fact that I wasn’t a goal setter. I know that many people cringe at the thought of not writing down to-do lists or a five year plan, but that’s just never been something that comes naturally to me.

I’d make mental goals, but something always seemed to keep me from writing them down, and heaven knows I wouldn’t even think of sharing them with others. I’ve been in the blogging world long enough to understand that I am in the minority with this group. I’ve read so many posts about goals and lists that I just don’t know what to make of it all sometimes. Again, it’s not natural for me.

This year, however, God’s shown me that there is a real value to writing out some of my goals instead of keeping them in my head. I think it’s because they don’t stay in my memory the older I get. Nothing seems to stick in there anymore. 🙂

I’ve heard the statistics of written goals becoming a reality far more frequently than mentally noted ones, and I’ve even sat through I can’t even remember how many professional development seminars on SMART goals in my teaching days. I get it already. I guess the rebel in me just doesn’t like to succumb to such things.

But I will submit to God’s Word. As I’ve actually allowed myself to talk to God about this area of my life, He’s reminded me of a verse I memorized in my teen years.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18

So as I approached this new year, I realized it was time to step out of the rut I so often find myself in because I’m too intimidated to make my goals known. I’m not about to begin micromanaging every area of my life. I’ve lived enough to learn that I can’t control so many things that will happen, and I just have to be flexible enough to let go of agendas some days. At the same time, I know that God has placed goals on my heart to live out, and I want to move past my fears and insecurities to accomplish His plans for my life. So here are some of the attainable goals I’ve set for this year. With God’s help, it will be one of incredible growth for me.

Self Improvement

  • Get up at 6:30 on weekday mornings. I so need that time to have quality time with God instead of interrupted-every-three-seconds time with God. My days always go a million times better if I’m up and around before Dash.
  • Establish post-Dash bedtime goals for each week. I know I could accomplish something worthwhile, be more purposeful in my blogging, read more books, and even take on hobbies if I just made a simple list at the beginning of the week.
  • Memorize at least one verse per month. Will you join me if you haven’t already?
  • Read at least 12 books from cover to cover this year. I’ve lost the special relationship with reading I used to have as years have passed, and I want it back! I’ve made a list, but I’m open to suggestions!


  • Have friends over at least once a month for dinner.
  • Choose one friend a month to whom I can give extra attention. Pray for her daily, mail a card, and look for extra ways to bless her.


  • Establish one date night a month! (Thank goodness for gift cards as Christmas gifts!)
  • Renovate my kitchen.
  • Establish a cleaning schedule. Actually get one in writing this time so I will not forget or lose track of what I intended to do on certain days.


  • Establish a writing schedule for both my mommy blog and this one. I constantly struggle to find time for this because I don’t want to lose focus of my family and home. Oh, the balance issue that haunts us all. 🙂
  • Begin working on my book. Making this goal public scares me to death! God has without a doubt called me to write a book to young ladies on overcoming fear. (Haha. Yes, I do see the irony of the last two sentences.) I’ve been waiting on His timing, but I also would be remiss to not admit that the thought itself intimidates me. It requires me to revisit a lot of old battle wounds, so it’s not going to be an easy task. Yet I’m also excited to just start getting it all out there on paper instead of jumbled in my head.

So there you have it. It’s in writing now, and it’s public knowledge to boot. I guess I’d better get busy. Are you a goal setter? What are some of yours for this year?



My Goals for 2012

5 thoughts on “My Goals for 2012

  1. Good luck with your book and overcoming the fear to write it!

    My goals for 2012…I don’t do a lot of new year resolutions or anything but my hubby and I will work to get some specific financial goals in place, including increased charitable giving. I’m in the Blogelina class with you (found you on the Class Member Linky List. I’m trying to visit everyone!), so my goal is to get to 400 followers this year blogging…I’m over halfway there. Oh and later this year I should graduate with my 2nd associates degree and then transfer to the bachelor’s degree program. 🙂 And I hope to get pregnant this year with our 4th child.

    Hmm. Guess I have a lot of goals after all!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your goals and encouragement! Good luck on your goals this year! It looks like we both have plenty to keep us busy. 🙂

  2. Glad to hear you are starting a book! I think I will need to buy it for my daughter (she already has fear issues at four) when she grows into a young lady, so make sure it is done and ready for her by then!

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